Our friends at Acoustik Attak are continuing to change the game! Introducing their latest in guitar picks, the BLADE. This new tool harmonically enhances frequencies between 1KHz to 5KHz, which is where clarity and punch sit for guitars. Even better- When you purchase a Blade product, Acoustik Attak donates a buck to Sweet Relief’s COVID-19 Fund! About Acoustik Attak's game changing picksAttak Piks have raised formations on their front and/or rear surfaces, including ridges, bumps, or other mathematically-derived protruding elements. These raised formations, located on the tip of the pick, cause a pattern of multiple strikes of a string in a single pluck, generating multiple different pulse waves that propagate along the string with different frequencies and amplitudes and at different times. This produces greater complexity in the superposition of waves compared to a simple standing wave produced by traditional flat-tipped picks which, in turn, leads to sound enhancements such as desirous harmonics, frequency enhancements, and percussive effects.
Visit their sound sampling page to learn the differences between each pick. Comments are closed.
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September 2024